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In his latest attempt to distract voters from his record, Rick Scott's newest ad claims that the numbers tell the story about Charlie.
Floridians know that Scott's numbers never tell the whole truth. But, since he insists on talking about numbers, here are some of his own: 2, 4, and 48.
2: Florida is ranked 2nd in the nation in long-term unemployment.
4: Only 4 percent of the jobs Scott promised to create have actually been created.
48: Florida now ranks 48 out of 50 states in employment for workers between the ages of 25-54.
Scott has yet to point to one concrete way that Charlie played a role in the economic downturn. We'll one-up that: Charlie bravely accepted stimulus money that saved the jobs of almost 80,000 workers.
And as that stimulus money runs out, Florida is suffering. Our state has seen a hollowing out of its middle-wage jobs, with a steeper decline than the rest of the country.
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Updated 01/30/2014